

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

18-Month Check-Up

Chloe's 18-month check up was last Friday. Once again she checked out well. Everything looks good and healthy.

Her stats are:

Weight: 21 lb, 12 oz (13th percentile)
Height: 31 in (28th percentile)
head Circumference: 48.2 cm (89th percentile)

Comparing to her 15-month stats, she grew 1 lb 6 oz and 0.75 inches in 3 months. That seems to be very little growth. But she's still on the chart so it's nothing to worry about.

Similar to her last check up, this time we also filled out a questionnaire to gauge her development. This was a long 4-page questionnaire so I can't remember all the questions. Here are a few I do remember.

Can she feed herself with a fork and/or spoon?
Answer: Yes.

Can she drink from a sippy cup?
Answer: Yes.

Does she point at things with her index finger?
Answer: Yes.

Does she point at and call attention to interesting things to you?
Answer: Yes.

Can she point out certain body parts when asked?
Answer: Yes. She knows eyes, nose, hand, feet, tummy.

Does she sleep through the night without a midnight feeding?
Answer: Yes.

Can she speak 8-40 words? (I think those are the numbers but I can't be sure.)
Answer: Yes.

Does she run?
Answer: Hell yeah she does.

Does she make weird gestures with her fingers near her face?
Answer: No. (I think this question relates to autism screening but that's just my guess.)

Can she walk up and down stairs?
Answer: Only with help. We have no stairs at home for her to practice! We need to work on this.

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