恭喜發財, 新年快樂, 請請 from Chloe
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
Happy Lunar New Year - Year of the Dragon!
Wishing everyone
. 新年快乐
. 恭喜发财
. 龙马精神
. 生意兴隆
. 万事如意
. 金银满屋
. 心想事成
. 财源广进
. 万事胜意
. 如鱼得水
. 青春常驻
. 梦想成真
. 新春大吉
. 一帆风顺
. 一本万利
. 如意吉祥
. 身体健康
. 学业进步
. 龙年吉祥
. 事事如意
. 货如轮转
. 步步高升
. 要乜有乜
. 笑口常开
. 发财好事
. 大吉大利
. 买乜升乜
. 合家平安
. 横财就手
. 出入平安
. 五福临门
. 招财进宝
. 旗开得胜
. 百业兴旺
. 大展鸿图
. 得心应手
. 官运亨通
. 老少平安
. 福星高照
. 富贵双全
. 吉星拱照
. 人兴财旺
. 东成西就
. 从心所欲
. 恭贺新禧
. 飞黄腾达
. 龙马精神
. 万事如意. 金银满屋
. 迎春接福
. 如意吉祥. !
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
A Beautiful Story
Mom reunites with biological child 77 years later (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2012/01/02/national/a121653S70.DTL)
I read this heartwarming story over breakfast this morning. It put a smile on my face. It's rare to find happy stories on the news. When I do find one, I can't help but to share it with others.
I read this heartwarming story over breakfast this morning. It put a smile on my face. It's rare to find happy stories on the news. When I do find one, I can't help but to share it with others.
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