A new research says 1 in 10 kids in the U.S. is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is a 22% increase since 2003. The researchers point to more awareness and better screening as possible causes for the jump, not necessarily because more kids than before are getting this disorder.
This is one of those controversial illnesses that some people believe is legitimate while others believe is just the pharmaceutical industry’s way of selling more drugs to boost their bottom line.
I do believe ADHD is for real. I do believe drugs can help alleviate the symptoms for those who truly have the disorder. But are there really that many legitimate cases out there? Are doctors quicker to diagnose this disorder now than before because it’s more in their front burners? One reason for the increase in diagnosis is awareness right? Then did the power of suggestion come into play?
Kids will be kids and they will be active. To some, they may even be overactive. Heck, last night I got all sweaty and exhausted playing with my almost-1-year-old. She kept crawling and cruising around to touch this and that and then back to this again. I was lucky if she stayed on any one item for more than 3 seconds. Did it cross my mind that she may have ADHD? When I couldn’t catch my breath, yes! But all the other times I’m just glad that she’s doing what she's supposed to be doing - actively check out what this vast world has to offer her.